Sunday, May 11, 2008

To my Mother

well, it is mothers day and i think it is fitting to say a few words to my mother.

you really started me on my love of learning. i remember being young and sitting at our countertop doing word puzzles, and it seems you always had some new activity book or library book for us to read. i learned so much before i ever went to school that elementary school was a breeze (and frankly way to easy for me). i already knew everything that was being taught, so i needed to keep from being bored, usually by being a clown. you certainly had less 'seasoning' in your hair at that time, but i am sure i put most of the 'salt' in your pepper. you have such a fun personality. all my friends really truly liked you. there were times when i couldn't understand that, but it dawned on my when i realized that we truly have similar personalities. if they liked me then it would make perfect sense that they would like you. the more i have grown up, the more i have realized that your not just a 'mom' figure for me but someone i truly love conversing with. i have developed a keen interest in you over the last 10 years or so and in that time you have become one of my very favorite persons in the entire world. you are so fun to talk to and i really enjoy our kids just love you!! i really have a deja-vu experience when i come in to pick them up and see them at the table doing word puzzles and coloring. it is just like 25 years ago.

you truly are the greatest mom! i am so proud to be your son and announce to the world that i think you are the best!!

happy mothers day



Rachel Ure said...

She will love this. i loved it too. thanks for sharing.

Rebekah said...

The was so great. See, mom all that work and love truly pays off.
Josh, you and your kids are so lucky to live near mom and have so many experiences with her and dad.

Von and Maureen said...

Josh, thanks for the tribute it means a lot to me to have you say those things. We just got back from Eugene, so today is the first time I have seen any blogs. You are such a great person Josh, and I am proud to be your mother!!! love you Mom