Sunday, September 23, 2007


We spent yesterday with Jared and Denyse learning how to can all their peaches. it was fun and informative. Now our goal is to get mother up here with her canning stuff and show us how to make grape juice since we have all these grapes starting to look yummy!!


Von and Maureen said...

May a suggest a third step.... You should send several of the canned fruit goods to ORegon immediately....MMMMM Peaches. In Logan Annie had a peach tree in front of her dont know what you've got till its gone. Man that was a great September.....

Rebekah said...

I want to come and play!
We were going to make fig jelly from our figs this year, but...alas!
love ya!

Rachel Ure said...

i am not very domestic but one thing that i really want to do every year is can fruit and tomatoes i am jealous!

Von and Maureen said...

I am ready to come anytime yousay to make grape juice and apple sauce. Yummy!!! just let me know when, mom