so Deena inherited a bunch (12) chairs from the endoscopy center waiting room if we wanted them. we always need chairs when company comes over so thought what the heck. when I saw them i wasn't too impressed. they were hard, the foam from the 70's was flat and the fabric was not real thrilling. i thought maybe we should take them anyway and try and sell them for a little extra change. then i had a second thought, lets see what it might cost to put our own fabric on them, and see if we can find them acceptable. we really could use some extra chairs for the deck and for when we have guests. deena found this fabric that she loved and we bought some extra cushiony stuff, i think the look awesome and now i am glad we have them!! Deena and i have done all the work in the mold of Rachel and Angie, we wanted to show that we too can do some things artsy when need gives inspiration.