Saturday, November 7, 2009

finally deck is finished...sort of

Finally, after a ga-gillion moments spent thinking about the daunting task at hand, we finally finished re-doing our deck. (well mostly Deena and her grandpa) but i did help as i could with all my work schedule. it looks sooooooooo much better now without the trellis and having slats. the biggest task was painting it all... there is still some structural things to take care of, but it is ready for the winter at least!


Von and Maureen said...

Josh and Deena, That looks so nice!!! What a lot of work. A very good thing to have done. I thought we were all going to be invited to a deck fixing/staining party? Maybe next time. I looks great!!!! mom

Rebekah said...

Looks great. Can't wait to come and try it out.
Way to go Deena and her grandpa--you, too, Josh!