Sunday, August 9, 2009

fun house mirror

Ok, so I was playing around with our webcam thingy and noticed all these cool features. the kids and I had a blast taking pictures of us with the built in fun house mirror feature. Tell us what your favorite is!


Rachel Ure said...

We have a web cam too! We should chat tonight! My kids would loveto chat with their cousins. I think the best laugh i have had in years came from spending an hour with derid warping our faces. I might have to post some of ours too

Annie and Jake Callister said...

Oh Man those are great! The ones of all of the kids are hilarious, but I think the funniest is the one of Josh that is all teeth. THat one is too hilarious!! We have a web-cam too, do any of you Skype at all?


Josh said...

i have had this web cam for years! i used to communicate with friends over instant messenger with it. but i havent done anything like that for a long time! is skype free?

Rebekah said...

Gabe's favorite is the triangular-faced Sammy.

I have to say that I just loved the image of the cute couple you and Deena made with the big round nose faces--so funny!

We just got a new web cam, but haven't used it much--I hope it has some of these fun options to play with!!

Guess we all need to skype and SEE each other now and then.

Rachel Ure said...

This is MOM. Oh MY Gosh!!! I am at Rachels right now ,Mia is taking a nap and Rach is out picking up /tayson. I just about lost it laughing so hard!!!!!! I think the funniest one is of Josh with the big nose, however there are some very close seconds. Good looking family!!!!! Love ya Mom,

P.S. No, Rachel has not had the baby yet....Maybe today or tomorrow???????? we are having fun anyway.

Annie and Jake Callister said...

I love these! My fav is the big nosed josh and the big mouthed andrew. the second to last one is freaky. They look like strange vampire creature children. so fun!
