I want to officially welcome the 3rd member of the Von Callister Clan to the 3rd decade of life. this is the decade of family, moving up the ladder, gray hairs, odd hairs in odd places, nicer cars, mortgages, tight budgets moving to a little more fluidity, dotting on kids, remembering all the cool things you thought were sooo important at one time in your life because of your kids interests. weightier callings, and wierd weight fluctuations.. Rebekah and I want to extend a warm hand of encouragement to our 'little' brother who is now, not so little, and getting older, and Older. we are excited for what the future holds for you, and hope that you can continue to look to your past and stay young, for it wont be to far off when you are looking at your 30's as past, so make good memories! you have accomplished much in your first 30 years. take a moment and look back on that, you have lived in Germany, played in a successful band, earned bachelors and masters degrees, married one of the coolest people on earth, landed a good job, and those are just the certifiable memories. many more to come!! the 30's really are the new 20's, although the small of my back tells me that isn't necisarrily true some times, i feel great and want to do all the things i did in my 20's... it just takes a little longer to recover from them.. your a great guy, i cherish some of our fun camping and just out right laughable moments through out life, and look forward to many more! oh, and by the way this birthday actually marks the fact that you have already lived 30 years, working on 31. you are older than you think!
very well said Josh!!!!! Life is great which ever decade you are in. Mom
Thanks Josh for the words of advice and clarity. It may sound silly, but I read it late last night and it really did provide a sort of calming transition in to the "fourth decade." I am glad you and Becky have paved the way. Judging by how you two have handled it, I have nothing to fear .... but fear itself of course.
i don't want to join! dont make me!
Great post, Josh.
Welcome, Jake!
I think one of the big things that getting older does is make you realize just how young inside every older person feels.
Life just flies! Hold on tight!!
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