Thursday, July 16, 2009

Daniels Turn!

Ok, after Seeing Jake's last post with his super Fu-Manchu. I thought it was time to compare! so i gathered pictures of myself (in similar pose) and now I just need a Daniel addition for the full Callister collage...all this from a Dad who cannot ....or dare i say Will not do it!! looks like we are fresh of the set of Chips Patrol!! or a rockin episode of Simon and Simon!


Annie and Jake Callister said...

This would make any mother proud! Except maybe ours....

I have seen some fun pictures of Dan... we shoudl throw in the rare Vonstache as well.


Von and Maureen said...

You are right Jake! Mom

Rebekah said...

Look at my adorable brothers!! Good stuff.

Daniel and Angie Callister said...

all right, all right, give me a second...