Sunday, June 7, 2009

Caleb's Baptism

Caleb was baptised yesterday June 6th. He was soo excited about it, and really thought it was cool that he shared his baptism day with Daniel's Birthday. (Daniel is a hero to Caleb). His grandpa Von, and great grandpa Nygard were his whitnesses. We all stayed later and had a little party at the house with Hawaiin Haystacks (yummy) and chocolate cake for Dan's birthday. Neither Dan or I could beat dad in the 3 games of (daniel) we played, even though i made 3 of 4 shots from the deck! Caleb also just this week lost his 2 front teeth, so we had to get the customary shot with dad. Fun week for Caleb, our newest member of the church! everybody congratulate him!


Rebekah said...

We are so proud of you. You look so great in white!!
We hope that you had a great experience being baptized! You are such a great, interesting, and sweet kid!

Daniel and Angie Callister said...

Way to go Big C-Squared. I'm proud to share my life-birthday with your church-birthday!

Rachel Ure said...

what a big day! Tayson has been learning about baptism and he thought it was really cool to hear that his cool cousin caleb got baptized!

Von and Maureen said...

Congtrats to you Caleb. It was awesome to be there with you on that wonderful day. We Love you so much!!! G&G Callister

Annie and Jake Callister said...

Yeah Caleb. Now you don't get freebee sins. They count now :)

We're proud of you Caleb!