Sunday, November 18, 2007

Andrew is Trying

Andrew is trying to potty train. he is not sure why this is such a big deal.


Von and Maureen said...

He will catch on!! It looks like you have no T.P. for the poor little guy if he is successful. I remember when I finally had all the kids diaperless. It is a good thing!! Mom

Rachel Ure said...

his hair is soo great! can't wait to see you guys at christmas time. Tayson loves wearing his underwear but doesn't fully understand that he can't poop in them. so it's even worse than diapers!

Von and Maureen said...

Way to give it the old pre-school try Andrew!


Daniel and Angie Callister said...

oh man. that's awesome. That's usually the face i give angie when she's trying to get me to use the toilet. Mankind got along just fine for thousands of years without them. Hang in there, Andrew you're an inspiration.