Now this may seem like a strange post, but for 'most' of my life, this team has been an important part of my life, not 'thee' most important thing, but they definitely were a 'bell weather' for josh most of the time. i was up when they were winning big, and down when the lost (which wasn't very often) i will forever remember the 'finals' years and will never forget the awful refereeing and will never 'like' michael jordan. i can certainly admit that he was amazing, but i cant get over the image of him smoking a cigar celebrating the second championship over the jazz in the Delta Center. the main reason i am even going here is because the one constant from the time i was 12 is Jerry Sloan. i Love that guy! tough as nails, but humble, always took the blame and never took the credit for all the success of the Utah Jazz. He retired after being the coach for 23years! longer than any professional coach in any sport. so just to acknowledge my respect for him and my love for what he demanded from his teams...tell me if you can, wether you can remember any off court incidents or embarrassing situations to the team while he was at the happens all over the NBA and not with the Jazz! i wish him the best and am excited for the future of the team. i think the future is bright and it is mainly due to this great coach!